Friday, March 27, 2020

Who to Look For When Looking For a Chemistry Tutor

Who to Look For When Looking For a Chemistry TutorIf you are in need of a good chemistry tutor Victoria offers the most qualified and experienced tutors. If you can get a tutor who works with children and teenagers then you will be in for a big advantage as well as being able to see the individual strengths and weakness of each student.In Victoria the tutor is called a science tutor and they are there to help all students who require help in class. The science tutor will help you with your homework, help you prepare your assignment, and give you tips on what problems to tackle and what questions to ask. They will also help you get through the busy period of the school in the summertime by helping you through certain problems that have already been faced during the past week.If you are interested in becoming a science tutor then you can apply for a job in a Victorian private school. This is the ideal place to work if you want to be part of a large group of people with similar interest s. You will not need to worry about travelling as you will be doing this as part of your job and at the same time making a difference to the lives of children. Many people have become a science tutor over the years for this reason alone.In Victoria there are many different ways you can get the required qualification to become a tutor. The most common way is to take up a full-time program where you work for one school, so this will allow you to get your education, get a certificate and get a job. Some people may choose to do this as part of their career, which is good for them as it gives them the flexibility of working in a large environment.If you are interested in becoming a science tutor in Victoria, you will need to do a bit of searching before you find the right one. You should make sure that they have worked at the school you are interested in before applying for the position, since the school may choose to go with someone who has a higher education than you or someone who has previous experience.The most important thing when you are looking for a science tutor is that they are available to help you when you call on them. It can be difficult to find someone to come and meet you at school to check out your abilities, but you can use the internet to see if anyone is willing to meet up to talk over your application. Be sure to do this with several different schools to ensure that you get the best experience possible.If you are a student who wants to get their education paid for but still want to get some experience, it is best to look into an online school. Online schools are set up in a way that you can take classes from home or you can work from your own home and use the lessons you learn in your normal job or study hours.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Professores da LOI English Jonathan Johnson

Professores da LOI English Jonathan Johnson Na minha opinião, o mais interessante de ter aulas com professores nativos é ter a possibilidade de experimentar falar Inglês com pessoas de diferentes países anglófonos. A riqueza dos sotaques e a pluralidade cultural são pontos que me fascinam enquanto eterna estudante de Inglês, por isso mesmo adorei a conversa que tive com Jonathan Johnson, um dos professores da LOI English que é nativo da África do Sul.Natural da Cidade do Cabo, Jonathan já viveu em Roma e Milão, na Itália, e agora reside em Paris, na França. Ele é um apaixonado por diferentes culturas e está aprendendo a falar Francês, sendo que já é fluente em Africâner e Italiano, para além do Inglês, é claro.Jonathan tem alunos de todos os cantos do mundo, sendo a maioria brasileiros, japoneses, italianos, espanhóis e russos. Segundo ele, os seus alunos brasileiros são normalmente do Rio e de São Paulo. O professor comentou que os brasileiros com quem trabalha, por norma, cooperam bastante, gostam de conversar em Inglês e aproveitam todas as oportunidades para aprender.De acordo com  Jonathan, a utilização de gestos e imagens, a indicação de artigos para leitura e as suas capacidades de comunicação ajudam bastante na interação com os seus alunos. O professor ensina Inglês há mais de 10 anos, tendo trabalhado bastante com preparação para entrevistas de trabalho e apresentações em ambiente executivo.Relativamente ao conceito de ensinar Inglês pela internet, Jonathan referiu que tem uma experiência cultural sempre que dá uma aula e que, na realidade, a única diferença entre dar aulas pelo Skype ou presencialmente é que não há contato físico. No entanto, o professor tem a responsabilidade de guiar o aluno durante a aula, lentamente direcionando e dando confiança para que o aluno entenda que é capaz de ter uma conversa em Inglês.Na nossa conversa, Jonathan confirmou aquilo que vários professores da LOI English já disseram, a maior parte das pessoas tradu z ao invés de pensar em Inglês e isso se nota na forma como as frases são construídas. Por isso, a sua dica principal é para que os alunos mantenham a comunicação curta e simples, de modo a ter mais controle sobre o que estão dizendo e também sobre a conversa que estão tendo.

Grammar Checker Testimonials

Grammar Checker Testimonials This semester, I asked students what they thought of the Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker as a learning tool for their English course at Ahuntsic College in Montreal. You can learn more about the VWT here. A number of them replied using our internal messaging system (MIO) in either French or English. I have blurred their faces and names to maintain their privacy, but the comments are their own. I corrected the English a little to make the comments clearer, and I have translated French comments to English. Check out what they have to say. Testimonials We used this website during our English course, and it has helped me a lot to correct the errors I often make and has helped me to understand how to avoid making them again. A plus in the English course, in my opinion. Low intermediate student Honestly, it is the best tool a student of English could have. It is very helpful and has many features. If I have classes in English at university, I will use it again.High intermediate student I really like the website. It helps a lot. Low intermediate student I love the Virtual Writing Tutor. It helps me a lot with vocabulary and grammar in English. My writing assignments were well-corrected, and I will use it in my everyday life.Low intermediate student I used the software to correct all of my writing assignments in English. Yes, its very quick and very practical with its suggestions for corrections to our writing. The corrections were easy to understand and detailed. I will use it in the years to come.Low intermediate student I was surprised! The Virtual Writing Tutor is complete, easy to use, and I am certain to use this tool in the future. I havent encountered any bugs, the feedback was always detailed, and it was easy to understand, in my opinion. Low intermediate student I essentially use the to do my homework and to check if my grammar is correct. It helped me to progress a lot. Now, I can make correct sentences! I will use it for sure after I graduate. If I had known about this site earlier, my grammar would have been perfect.Low intermediate student was really helpful for me during the semester, and I will continue to use it after (I finish) school. It gives me more confidence because I can correct my mistakes and be less shy about my English when I have to write professional texts in English. I will certainly use it in my future work. It helps to improve English because of the feedback it gives. I think the website is well designed and offers several tools that are useful. High intermediate student To be honest, the Virtual Writing Tutor has been the Best website Ive ever discovered because is it easy to use. Before, I had to correct my assignment word by word instead of checking the whole text at once, which was annoying. I will totally continue to use it now and in the future. High intermediate student Seriously, it is one of the most helpful websites for correcting our errors. I hope someone will follow your example and make exactly the same website but for French.High intermediate student grammar checker testimonials Use the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker with your students Teachers can give students more writing practice and more feedback on errors by inviting students to use an online grammar checker. The trick is to give students writing assignments that they enjoy writing, and then ask them to submit it to the teacher error-free. Once the grammar checker indicates that the text contains no detectable errors, student free pride and confidence in their writing and will share it with their peers without hesitation. The Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker offers a number of useful tools that teachers can use for free. For academic writing, ask students to use the paraphrase checker, the essay outliner, or the essay checker. For lower level students learning basic interpersonal communication skills, create a pen pal exchange with an integrated grammar checker and target structure checker. For students learning professional writing related to their field of study, get students to try blog writing. Please follow and like us:

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Are You Thinking about Taking the New August SAT

Are You Thinking about Taking the New August SAT If youre a high school student, the parent of a high school student, or otherwise plugged into the world of standardized testing, youve probably heard about the new August SAT that will be administered this year. Bowing to popular demand, the College Board has finally decided to give students the option of taking the SAT over the summer. The total number of SAT dates each year will stay the same, though starting in 2018 there will no longer be a January SAT date.The official August SAT date will be August 26, 2017. The registration deadline for this test is July 28. You can register for the August SAT at the College Boards website. Please note that its probably a good idea to go ahead and register for this test right now if youre considering taking it. Many students, especially in the competitive Bay Area, are interested in trying the new August SAT, and due to the summer testing date, fewer testing sites will be available.This issue of limited space appears to be especially acute f or test-takers with accommodations for learning differences. Many of those testing spots across the Bay Area are already full. If you have accommodations for the SAT and you havent registered for the August test yet, do so immediately (or plan on driving a ways to find an open testing site).Now, onto the question weve been getting from many AJ Tutoring students and parents should I take the August SAT? A few thoughts:What year are you in high school?If youre a rising senior, the August SAT might be a great option for you. Many rising seniors have already taken the SAT at least once during the spring of their junior year. The August SAT is a great time for a retake, since for most students it comes before the beginning of the school year (and fall of senior year tends to be quite busy). The August test date gives you a little wiggle room to retake the SAT in October if needed and still get SAT scores in plenty of time for college applications. It also gives you the option of taking the SAT in August and SAT subject tests in October, since those must be taken on different test dates.The more difficult decision is whether a rising junior should take the August SAT. With good intentions, many parents want their student to get the SAT out of the way before junior year starts. For many students, junior year is the toughest year of high school with the most demands on their time, and it seems like a good idea to finish standardized testing before junior year gets into full swing. However, in our experience, the vast majority of students will get their best score on an SAT taken in the spring of their junior year (at the earliest). Theres nothing wrong with taking the August SAT as a rising junior, as long as youre open to retaking the test later in junior year.The August SAT may also be a good option for recruited athletes and other students who may need an SAT score earlier than normal.How much time can you devote to SAT prep this summer?Again, good intentions reig n. Staring down the barrel of a busy May and June, many students vow to throw their energy into SAT prep over the summer with an eye toward taking the August SAT. For many students, this plan will work well theyll be able to focus on preparing for the SAT over the summer with minimal distractions from school and sports.However, students should be brutally honest with themselves when deciding whether to take the August SAT. If you have a month-long vacation planned for July, an intense summer class, or a full-time summer job or if youre simply the kind of person who finds it hard to get motivated for SAT prep when you could be hanging out in Santa Cruz with your friends the August SAT may not be the best choice for you. Of course, you can always take the SAT in August with minimal prep over the summer, but just keep in mind that you may want to retake the test in October if you dont get the score youre looking for.How does SAT tutoring fit into your summer schedule?If you choose t o prepare for the SAT with an AJ tutor (and we hope you do!), you can expect to complete nine 1.5-hour sessions leading up to the August 26 test date. If you start tutoring after school is out, this generally means meeting about once per week throughout June, July and August. We also ask our SAT prep students to complete at least 3 full-length practice SATs, preferably proctored at our office on Saturday mornings. You can find our complete schedule of proctored practice SATs on our website.If youve already worked with us for SAT or ACT prep, we can usually shorten your prep for an SAT retake. Students will often complete four 1.5-hour sessions in preparation for retaking the SAT. You should also plan on taking 2 full-length practice SATs on the weekends. During the retake prep, your SAT tutor will focus more closely on your areas of difficulty from the last SAT and work on fine-tuning your approach to the test.In general, we think that the introduction of an August SAT date is a gre at move by the College Board to give students more options. Most rising seniors should at least consider taking the SAT in August.Interested in more information about the August 2017 SAT, or still not sure whether this test is right for you? Just fill out a consultation request or give us a call at (650) 331-3251. Wed love to talk through your SAT testing plan!

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2017

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2017 Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! It`s a delightful time for all ages. Time for family reconciliations and reunions, for cherishing your friends and loved ones, time for making new great memories. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.  And may the coming year be filled with happiness and faith. We are sincerely delighted to have you as our customers. We will be happy to help you reach your educational goals, so come back in 2017 to get more tutoring help at TutorZ. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team at! Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2017 Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! It`s a delightful time for all ages. Time for family reconciliations and reunions, for cherishing your friends and loved ones, time for making new great memories. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.  And may the coming year be filled with happiness and faith. We are sincerely delighted to have you as our customers. We will be happy to help you reach your educational goals, so come back in 2017 to get more tutoring help at TutorZ. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team at!

Raffles College Of Higher Education Sdn Bhd

Raffles College Of Higher Education Sdn Bhd Raffles College Of Higher Education Sdn Bhd Raffles College of Higher Education Kuala Lumpur (RCHEKL) (formerly known as LaSalle International Design School) was established in 1994 and is part of Raffles Education Corporation - the largest private education group in Asia-Pacific. Since establishing our first college in Singapore in 1990, the Group has grown to operate 3 universities and 34 colleges across 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific region: Australia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. More than 32,000 students enrolled in our tertiary programmes across our 37 locations benefit from a quality education that provides graduates with a well-rounded hands-on learning experience that is relevant to the industry. We place strong emphasis on curriculum development to keep abreast with industry trends and needs. We provide our students with quality education that will equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills and hands-on learning experience, to launch a career in their respective fields. At our Kuala Lumpur campus, we offer a range of courses in design, business and psychology. We are committed to nurturing creative talents and management expertise for the creative design, management and science industry. Our industry-focused design courses provide practical vocation skills where emphasis is placed on nurturing designers not technicians. Our business courses offer students pursuing a business qualification the opportunity to study in a creative learning environment with a flexible study schedule. Psychology students will benefit from the many real case studies and actual clinical internship postings. As Asia’s largest education provider, our students have the flexibility to start their course in one city and transfer to another location within our group to complete their qualification.

Teacher QA Exploring Abu Dhabi public schools with Lindsey, part 2

Teacher QA Exploring Abu Dhabi public schools with Lindsey, part 2 Abu Dhabi public schools offer incredible opportunities, great salaries, and extensive benefit packages for teachers. This post contains the second half of my interview with Lindsey, who taught in Abu Dhabi public schools for five years. Make sure you check out part 1 here first. What were some of the largest differences between Abu Dhabi public schools and North American ones? Did they pose challenges for you personally? Lindsey: There are many differences and similarities. Kids are kids no matter where they grow up. However, the school climate can be very different. A personal challenge of mine was getting over my Western-centric attitude. Most Westerners suffer from this without even realizing it. What I mean is that I had to remind myself constantly that there is no right way, or superior way, or better way. There are different ways to do things and one is no more right than the other. Once I accepted this concept, school life became a lot easier for me. Other things I found challenging was the language barrier - not so much between my students and I, but between myself and the staff. I am a social person by nature, so it was difficult when I would try to communicate with staff, especially because I was one of two female teachers in my entire school when I first arrived. To help solve this problem, I asked some of the Arabic teachers to teach me Arabic basics in return for English basics from me. This was a great way for us to find common ground and build a relationship. Another major difference I found was the lack of recess for students. Students get an average of 20 minutes of total break per day due to the fact that the school day is packed into only five hours. What are the resources and support systems like for educators in Abu Dhabi public schools? Lindsey:The Abu Dhabi public schools are going through an incredible reform, which means that year by year, sources and support systems are improving. There are plans that have been designed by ADEC to support students and educators. Also, I felt support by other teachers and the administration at my school. I find that most Emiratis see value in the education reform and are therefore are very open minded. How did you positively handle problematic classroom behaviour from students? Did you need new strategies? Lindsey:I watched a lot of teachers struggle, including myself, with student behaviour. As a fairly junior level teacher, it was a lot to take on a class of 28 grade 2 boys that had not only never had an English-speaking teacher, but that also had never had a female teacher either. I think reflecting back on the experience, this helped me grow as an educator. I was able to use trial and sometimes a lot of errors to try different techniques. In the end, the most successful method was reinforcing positive behaviour. I implemented a class tracking system and only rewarded students for good deeds done. The students started to intrinsically motivate themselves to make good choices. With the UAE’s education reform in place, what subjects are taught in English? Did you teach any of these? Lindsey:English Language Arts, Math, and Science are all taught in English. I taught all three subjects. What level of English could the students speak? Lindsey:There was a wide spectrum of English speaking ability. Some students were fluent English speakers, readers, and writers. Other students could speak English but could not read or write. Other students had no concept of the English language. Teachers have to be comfortable with different skill levels and understand how to meet the needs of the students in their classroom based both on ability and learning style. How was your experience with communicating with parents? Lindsey:Some parents were very approachable, easy to speak with, gracious, and supportive. Otherparents were more challenging to speak with because of their limited English ability and my limited Arabic language ability. In these situations, I would rely on my Arabic partner teacher for translation. Overall, I had a very pleasant experience with the parents of the students I taught. Did you meet other new teachers when you arrived? Were there onboarding or orientation events and activities for new staff? Lindsey:I met so many new friends when I arrived! Everyone is in the same situation as you are and therefore very open and friendly. I found teachers that had already been living there extremely helpful and willing to offer assistance to help me settle in. There was a week long orientation that I participated in. Representatives from the schools went through major processes and curriculum. They briefed us on living in the UAE, dos and don’ts, and helped familiarize us with where to go and what for. They also helped us set up a bank account and a cell phone. They were very helpful and patient. During orientation, which took place in Abu Dhabi City, we were placed in hotels. When I started, there wasn’t a Head of Faculty position, however, when I was a Head of Faculty one of my duties was to welcome new teachers to the school and help them get adjusted to the school climate as well as answer any questions they may have. How did you get along with other teachers at your school? Lindsey:I love getting to know all different types of people. I worked in a coed staff, which is rare in Abu Dhabi. The advantage was that I had colleagues from all over the world and I could learn from their teaching methods to expand my own professional growth. The teachers were very kind, welcoming, and inviting. What is the number one reason a teacher should experience teaching abroad? What is the number one reason a teacher should experience teaching in Abu Dhabi public schools? Lindsey:The number one reason a teacher should experience teaching abroad is for the overall professional and personal growth experience. Teachers should experience teaching in the Abu Dhabi public schools because it is an amazing opportunity to be on the forefront of a unique and ambitious education reform. Most teachers at home never see the big picture. Their students pass by year after year and it’s hard to feel that “I’m making a difference” satisfaction. In Abu Dhabi it’s totally opposite. Teachers can experience the difference they are making first hand! They are helping to re-shape the educational climate in the country, on the front lines and can see the incredible growth and of their students. It is very professionally satisfying work. What would you say to other teachers considering teaching abroad? Lindsey:Just do it! It’s a scary thing to consider, but the pros FAR outweigh the cons. I fell head over heels in love with living abroad! Everyone should have this experience of a lifetime! I can see myself going abroad again if the right opportunity presents itself. Click here for more info and job postings in Abu Dhabi public schools