Friday, February 7, 2020

Whats Different Between Pokemon Gold and HeartGold?

What's Different Between Pokemon Gold and HeartGold?While HeartGold is a massively popular Pokemon game, the latest installment of the franchise, HeartGold is the only one I've played and am taking an interest in. As you might have guessed, it is a sequel to Pokemon Gold/Silver and features the Gengar, the first elite four member from the Red & Blue series of games.A large part of the appeal of Pokemon Gold/Silver is the different gags that can be found throughout the game, including the Wonder Trade that allows you to catch many different types of Pokemon. This feature is carried over in HeartGold and you'll be able to trade your Pokedex entries with your rival, along with other members of the League. You'll be able to collect Pokemon fossils as well, a new addition to the game that lets you obtain different Pokemon fossils that can then be used as items.The level cap for HeartGold is changed slightly compared to Pokemon Gold/Silver. Previously, it was 45 for Gold and 60 for Sil ver. The new cap for HeartGold is 50, but only if you obtain the same amount of Pokemon in each level that you do in the original.The differences between the two games are minor, but they're noticeable. HeartGold features a new Gym Leader: Giovanni, who is far less annoying than his Red and Blue counterparts. HeartGold also takes place in a different location: Decolora Cave.One change in HeartGold that is not as obvious as the ones in the other games is the Gym Leader. Unlike the previous games, the Gym Leaders are not members of the Elite Four, but rather of a special group that give you the chance to battle them instead. This is a really cool and unique way to introduce them to the player, especially if you enjoy catching Pokemon to make progress on your Pokemon Collection.Onedifference between HeartGold and Pokemon Gold/Silver is that you will never receive an upgrade in stats, save for some extra abilities. This makes leveling up much more difficult than in the previous games, m aking it much more challenging to get a higher grade for your moves. There are also two new items: a Hyper Potion, which heal any Pokemon by half of its max HP, and a HeartGold Ring, which double the HP of all Pokemon that you bring to battle.The differences between HeartGold and Pokemon Gold/Silver are really quite minimal, especially when you compare them to the changes from the last game. You'll still be fighting your rivals, earning experience points and upgrading your Pokedex, all while exploring new areas and doing lots of side quests.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Chemistry Flasks - A Good Friend

Chemistry Flasks - A Good FriendChemistry Flasks is just one of the many tools that come with chemistry courses. While they might not seem important, they are! You cannot learn everything in a science class or at a university - you need to take notes, write reports, research and remember things you learned. Most people have a lot of chemistry flasks around the house so they will not need to buy a new one every few months.Each flask can hold up to five ounces of liquid at any given time. This is much more than enough to show a two-year old how to do something for a science fair project. They are ideal for collecting liquid samples, analyzing their composition, and making chemical reactions.There are many different shapes, sizes, and materials of the flasks available on the market. Some have spouts, which allow them to be used as measuring devices for chemicals. If you do not use the spout, some have special measuring tools for making chemical reactions. In the 'made for science' categ ory are the chemical goggles and prismatic bottles.Chemicals in chemical eye goggles are designed to filter out particles that come into contact with the eyes. These chemicals are inert and are intended to work on some of the germs and bacteria that are found in the environment.A prismatic bottle has a cylindrical surface instead of a flat top, and a lens is used to keep a light source at a precise distance from the chemical. These are good at keeping light from disturbing the samples being studied.Another flask, called a 'flaskade' because it looks like an airplane cockpit glass cockpit, has a vessel that features a tube coming out of the bottom. The tube is filled with a specific concentration of a chemical and is blown. This is very similar to blow molding for molding, except that flasksade also can hold water.They can be used to add or remove chemicals or even create new chemical instruments. As a teacher or student you will find that these are good tools to have around for work ing with simple chemicals.